Project title | Reference | Program (AUF, CNRST, AI ...) (see legend 3) |
Legal framework for the communications sector (audio-visual and telecommunications) | Integrated action | Toulouse |
Legal framework for North-South relations | AI | Caught 7 |
Migration flows and harmonization of national legislation and policies | AECI AI University of Salamanca |
Copyright and access to knowledge in Africa | ICSID |
Intercultural dialogue and human rights | View publication | European Union |
Morocco, communication technologies, information and human rights | See summary in appendix ICSID |
A comparative study of rural women's work in Morocco, Spain and Finland | CNRST (URAC) La Generalidad de Valencia Valencia and Oulu |
Female migration | CNRST (URAC) U.Valencia, U of Rome, U of Messina |
TRIPS | CNRST (URAC) | Toulouse 1 |
Jurisdictional protection of human rights | Italian Ministry of Education | U.Sapienza of Rome |
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